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NEXT MEETING IS May 8 TH @    Zoom Call @ 6 PM 


Since 1994, the PENTUCKET PARENT ALLIANCE (SENIOR CELEBRATION) has organized and chaperoned a safe, substance-free all night celebration for Pentucket Regional High School's graduating Seniors. Beginning the night of graduation until the following morning, the graduates are bussed from one surprise venue to the next. Past celebrations have included harbor cruises, plays, comedy shows, and restaurants, with prizes and keepsakes given along the way. Hugely popular, this annual tradition is typically attended by the majority of the graduating class. Pentucket graduates will celebrate being together as a class one last time before heading their separate ways.


The Pentucket Parent Alliance is a non-profit committee made up of parents and community members of the Pentucket Regional School District.  The mission is to raise funds and organize a fun filled evening on the night of graduation for the graduating students of the Pentucket Regional High School.  The goal is for the students' to enjoy their last night together as a class safely and have fun creating memories to last a lifetime.

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